Hyperirritable and hypersensitive areas in the muscles of your thighs and around the knee are called trigger points. Muscles with trigger points can suffer from decreased circulation, increased contraction and spasm, and a build up of toxins and waste. Lack of circulation creates a high level of toxins and increased nerve sensitivity that can range from low ache to sharp pain.
Trigger points in the thigh muscles can cause pain in the upper leg and knee. The femur is the longest and strongest bone in the body. The muscles that move the femur, the quadriceps femoris, the hamstrings, and the iliopsoas are the largest and most powerful muscles of the body as well. These thigh muscles connect the femur to the lower leg bones, the tibia and fibula, at the knee joint. Trigger points in the quadriceps femoris muscles of the thighs are the most common source of trigger point knee pain.
Healthy muscle fiber is neither contracted nor stretched when at rest. When contracted the muscle fibers are closer together and when stretched, further apart. In a muscle that is causing trigger point pain, the fiber develops a knot and is in a constant state of contraction. The fiber around these knots is stretched by the excess tension and the muscle fibers become tighter. With the continuous contraction, blood flow is slowed to a stop in the trigger point area and essential oxygen and nutrients are prevented from reaching the muscle tissue. Toxins and waste build up in the muscle and you will experience pain, tension, irritation, and spasm.
Now, just because the trigger point causes pain does not mean that the location of the knot is painful itself. When the pain is located at the tense muscle spot it is called a primary trigger point. However, pain can also appear in areas away from the active trigger point - such pain is called referred pain. It is important to treat the spot that causes the referred pain and not the location of the pain itself.
Tigger points cause pain more often than any other condition and are drastically under-diagnosed due to lack of information. Trigger point pain is usually a factor in most injuries although treating the trigger points is often overlooked. A common condition related to triggers points is known as myofascial pain.
The trigger point spot will usually become more tender or sting when you push on the spot and the referred pain will increase in intensity. Other symptoms include:
Tender trigger points typically develop from lack of stretching or improper stretching and can also be caused from stress/trauma, overexertion, poor conditioning, or overuse of a muscle. Trigger point pain in the knee and upper thigh is commonly caused by:
Reduced circulation in trigger points will eventually lead to muscle shortening and restricted movement which further accentuates the pain, thus completing a cycle of decreased mobility and further pain. This commonly becomes the underlying cause of chronic knee and thigh pain, and the patient will continue to suffer from these until the problem trigger points are treated directly.
Mild Trigger Points can be addressed sometimes through massage and some sufferers maintain that acupuncture treats these problems as well, though it is not accepted by many medical institutions.
If you have knee and/or thigh pain caused by tense, constricted muscles use a TShellz Wrap® for your trigger points. Trigger point pain is caused by constricted muscle fibers that form knots, and eventually cause a buildup of toxins in the area. The trick to getting rid of this pain is loosening the knots to release the constricted muscle fibers. This will allow blood to flow through the fibers once again, bringing the vital oxygen and nutrients required for healthy tissue. An effective and pain-free way to loosen the knots is via Circulation Boost through use of a TShellz Wrap.
In addition, you want to get your muscle tissue back in the best possible condition you can. To do this, it is important to treat the scar tissue that forms in the muscle when the damaged tissue begins to heal - something the TShellz Wrap® is also great at! Even with optimum healing, there is always less elasticity in previously injured muscles fibers. However, use of conservative treatment options such as the TShellz Wrap® and a stretching routine to treat scar tissue build up, your chance of chronic trigger point pain and knee conditions later on should be reduced substantially.
Scar tissue can also bind muscle fibers together. The inflexible scar tissue limits the movement of your muscles that were once elastic leaving your tissue weaker than a healthy muscle and at greater risk of deterioration and possible tearing. Fortunately, you can treat your pain and trigger points with the TShellz Wrap® device which helps release muscle knots, soften scar tissue, relax tense muscles, relieve muscle spasm, and improve the motion and flexibility of the knee and thigh.
Once the inflammation of your trigger points has been reduced, nourishing and strengthening soft tissue is recommended. Using a TShellz Wrap® will greatly boost blood flow in the area, giving your body the ability to heal your muscle more completely preparing it for strengthening exercises. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to find out which exercises are appropriate for your situation.
After severe inflammation and swelling is reduced you can begin to treat your tendons and muscles with Circulation Boost (Circulatory Boost). Circulatory Boost increases the amount of blood that flows naturally to your muscles to nourish your soft tissue to speed healing.
Devices that stimulate blood flow can help treat muscle trigger point pain and accelerate the bodys healing process so you can get back to living. Circulation Boost, via use of a TShellz Wrap® will help loosen knots at the trigger points, improve elasticiy of the soft tissue (and help minimize scar tissue growth), and promote blood flow to loosen your constricted muscles and other soft tissue.
Your muscles naturally receive a limited blood supply and when you stop moving your leg and knee because of pain the blood flow is reduced even further, limiting your body's natural ability to heal itself.
By treating yourself with a TShellz Wrap® you can increase your body's blood supply to the muscles, thereby increasing your bodys own natural healing power.
A TShellz Wrap® is the tool you need to treat your sore knee and trigger points because it and relaxes muscles, and accelerates blood flow in the area, helping clear out toxins from the trigger point area. With Circulatory Boost, tissues are safely and gently stimulated. Your body responds with a rapid increase in blood flow to the area, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to injured tissue to promote healing. Our Leg/Arm TShellz Wrap® provides effective, non-invasive, non-addictive pain relief with no side effects. The Leg/Arm TShellz Wrap® is so versatile you can use it to treat your thigh muscles, knee, and practically anywhere else you are experiencing pain and soft tissue damage.
Why does the improved blood flow whisks away dead tissue and toxins that have built up from your trigger point pain? When you stop moving your sore leg and knee, your muscles and other tissue can become weaker and dead tissue and toxins in the area can cause further tissue deterioration - this can lead to atrophy (muscle weakness and/or deterioration). A device that stimulates blood flow will clear the area of toxins while increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients to your soft tissue. Because of this, therisk of atrophy is greatly reduced as well, allowing you to retain and even improve movement and flexibility. Keeping your thigh and knee tissue as healthy as possible throughout the healing process will allow you to improve leg and joint strength again once your pain has gone and your trigger point pain has healed.
Our Leg/Arm TShellz Wraps®, Knee TShellz Wraps®, Back/Hip TShellz Wraps®, Shoulder TShellz Wraps®, Elbow TShellz Wraps®, Wrist/Hand/Sesamoid TShellz Wraps®, Plantar TShellz Wraps® and Ankle/Achilles TShellz Wraps® are intended to provide effective, non-invasive, non-addictive pain relief and healing with no side effects. These wraps are so versatile you can use it to treat nearly any area of the body where you are experiencing trigger point pain and/or soft tissue damage.
Improved blood flow from a TShellz Wrap® treatment whisks away dead tissue and toxins that have built up from your trigger point pain. When you stop moving your sore leg and knee, your muscles and other tissue can become weaker and dead tissue and toxins in the area can cause further tissue deterioration - this can lead to atrophy (muscle weakness and/or deterioration). By clearing the area of toxins and increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients to your muscle and other tissue, the risk of atrophy is greatly reduced. Keeping your thigh and knee tissue as healthy as possible throughout the healing process will allow you to improve leg and joint strength again once your pain has gone and your trigger point pain has healed.
Consistent and regular treatment from a TShellz Wrap® Circulatory Boost device is intended to result in significantly reduced pain and an incredible improvement in your range of motion. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!
If you suffer from trigger points, we guarantee this solution for you - or your money back!
Our customer service lines are open 5 days a week helping people understand their injuries and how to treat them. Simply call toll free 1-866-237-9608 to talk with one of our knowledgeable Product Advisors. They have the ability to answer questions and even put together a treatment plan for you.
Product Advisors are available 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday to Friday.
Learn more about Knee Surgery and Post-Surgery Recovery
Learn more about how the TShellz Wrap® stimulates blood flow.
Learn more about Ice vs Heat Treatments for Knee Strain
During your recovery, you will probably have to modify and/or eliminate any activities that cause pain or discomfort at the location of your soft tissue injury until the pain and inflammation settle. The more diligent you are with your treatment and rehabilitation, the faster you will see successful results!
Please be aware that this information is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before using any of our outstanding products to make sure they are right for you and your condition or if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. Always see your doctor for a proper diagnosis as there are often many injuries and conditions (some very serious) that could be the cause of your pain.
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